onexit *clo timei=0 buffer 1 picload "b.bmp" screen 0,360,200 await 1 color 100,100,100 :boxf *sta title "MUSIC PLAYER ver.2.0 [FILE "+buf1+"]" y=160 objsize 40,40 pos 40,y objimage 1,0,0,0,40,0,80 button "",*mm pos 80,y objimage 1,40,0,40,40,40,80 button "",*ps pos 120,y objimage 1,80,0,80,40,80,80 button "",*pl pos 160,y objimage 1,120,0,120,40,120,80 button "",*st pos 200,y objimage 1,160,0,160,40,160,80 button "",*ho pos 240,y objimage 1,200,0,200,40,200,80 button "",*fop pos 0,y objimage 1,240,0,240,40,240,80 button "",*mt pos 280,y objsize 40,40 objimage 1,280,0,280,40,280,80 button "",*tt pos 320,y objsize 40,40 objimage 1,320,0,320,40,320,80 button "",*spl stop *mm tmm=tmn-5000 if tmn<=5000 :mci "seek med to 0" if tmn>5000 :mci "seek med to "+tmm mci "play med" goto *ctlm *ps mci "pause med" goto *ctlm *pl mci "play med" goto *ctlm *st mci "seek med to 0" mci "stop med" goto *ctlm *ho tmh=tmn+5000 if tmh>=tml :goto *ctlm if tmn<tml :mci "seek med to "+tmh mci "play med" goto *ctlm *ctlm color 0,0,0 :boxf color 240,240,20 mci "status med position" tmn=stat mi=strf("%02d",tmn/1000/60) se=strf("%02d",tmn/1000\60) tm=""+mi+":"+se+"/"+mi2+":"+se2+"" pos 0,0 font "msgosic",10 mes ""+buf1+"" pos 0,12 font "msgosic",36,1 mes tm wait 50 goto *ctlm *clo mci "close med" end *fop dialog "mp3;* .mid;* .wav",16,"オーディオファイル" if stat=0 : goto *sta buf1=refstr wait 2 *fyo mci "set med time format ms" mci "open \""+buf1+"\" alias med" mci "status med length" tml=stat mi2=strf("%02d",tml/1000/60) se2=strf("%02d",tml/1000\60) goto *sta *mt stop *tt stop *spl stop
使い方ヒント: 「これは臭う」という行を見付けたら、各行のをクリックしてマーキングしておきましょう(要Twitter OAuth認証)